Launch your podcast and skyrocket your visibility in just 30 days

Does any of this strike a nerve?

🎙️ *taps mic* Is this thing on?


You dream of having a podcast “one day” but you’ve got no idea how to start making this a reality…


You already have a podcast where you share all kinds of valuable information but you feel like you’re yelling into the void – all you get is crickets 🦗


You listen to podcasts in your niche and you know you can do something better but you feel paralyzed and overwhelmed by all the tech and moving parts…


You keep putting your podcasting dreams on hold because it seems too complicated and time-consuming to fit into your busy schedule

…If this is you, keep reading. I’ve got a secret for you.

You can launch your podcast in the Top 10% Global Rank with your first 100 listeners in just 30 days.

You don’t need a fancy studio or a complicated strategy to launch a high-quality, well-executed podcast.

You don’t need to put off launching your podcast until you have more time. Because, let’s face it, there’s never more time…

In LaunchPOD, I’ll show you how!

“Working with Erin is working with someone that I believe - from the people that I know in the industry - is the best expert right now in podcasting.”

adriana castillo, mba

be bold be ambitious podcast

Here's the Problem:

Most aspiring podcasters never get off the ground because they’re overthinking the podcasting process.

And (no shade) most podcast coaches don’t know what it takes to create a high-quality podcast that gets seen, heard and downloaded all over the world.

But – creating a top-ranking podcast doesn’t have to be a long and complicated process.

With the right strategy and the right support launching a podcast that accelerates your impact is simple and easy

I know because I used this exact process to grow my brand-new podcast to the top 2% in the world in only 6 weeks!

Like you,I needed:


A podcasting strategy that fit into my busy schedule of working with clients, taking care of my health, and the 10,000 other things on my to-do list.


A simple, easy-to-execute podcasting method that I could do myself without sacrificing even more time, energy and freedom.


A way to get my podcast seen and heard by my ideal clients so I could expand my reach, maximize my impact and grow my business.


And this is exactly what I created with LaunchPOD.

When I used the LaunchPOD method to launch The Holiday Survival Podcast in November 2023, these were the results:

Top 2%

Global Rank on Listen Notes



on the Apple Podcasts Charts


6 weeks

to achieve these results


What's inside?

Here’s what’s on the agenda for you inside LaunchPOD

Module 1: Create a Kicka$$ Strategy

Solid foundations = a high-quality, high-impact, high-visibility podcast. We’ll kick off by laying the groundwork so you can launch your podcast with ease.

By the end of this module, you’ll…

  • Know exactly who your ideal listeners are, what they want and how to reach them.
  • Have a content strategy that connects with your ideal audience and effortlessly grows your podcast.
  • Have a kicka$$ name for your podcast that intrigues and invites new listeners.
  • Know how to structure your podcast for maximum engagement and impact.

Module 2: Hit the Record Button

We’re not wasting any time. Once you’ve set up the foundational pieces of your podcast, it’s time to start recording!

By the end of this module you’ll…

  • Ditch the red-button anxiety and record your first podcast episodes so you’re ready to launch.
  • Have all the tech, gear and software you need to record your podcast successfully.
  • Know all the tools, skills and tricks to edit your podcast like a pro!

Module 3: Look and Feel

Now that you have the technical bits down, it’s time to focus on your visuals and all the pre-launch details so that you’re ready for launch day. 

By the end of this module, you’ll…

  • Create beautiful and professional visuals for your podcast that align with your brand and appeal to your ideal audience.
  • Set up your podcast feed like a true podcasting pro on your platform of choice.
  • Have all the elements of a high-quality, high-converting podcast ready to go for launch day.

Module 4: Ready? Set? Launch!

You’ve done all the groundwork. You’ve done the recordings. You’ve set up all the details. All that’s left is to launch your podcast!

By the end of this module, you’ll…

  • Have a kicka$$ launch strategy that gets your audience excited to listen to your podcast.
  • Have new listeners foaming at the mouth for your podcast before you release a single episode.
  • Know exactly how to market your podcast and get your first 100 listeners.

Module 5: Check the Data

Congratulations! 🥂 You just launched your podcast. Now what?

By the end of this module, you’ll…

  • Know how to manage your podcast after you launch so you can stay committed and motivated.
  • Understand all the data and analytics behind your podcast and how to use them to grow.
  • Be prepared to grow and scale so you can start making money from your podcast.

In LaunchPOD, you get all this PLUS…

  • Easy-to-follow Workbooks for each module with practical exercises, templates, checklists, prompts and other resources – so you can apply what you learn and build your podcast as you go.
  • Specially-built Trello Board and Canva Whiteboard to help you brainstorm and stay organized as you create your podcast.
  • Swipe file of templates, scripts, intros, outros, ads and all the elements of a high-quality, successful podcast – so you can ditch creative block and set up your podcast faster and easier than ever before.


LaunchPOD gives you the easy-to-follow and easy-to-implement road map to launching a podcast that gets you seen and heard all over the world.


“Erin taught me to take all of my skill sets, my knowledge and everything that I was doing and make it audible and digestible pieces for my audience to be able to grasp, understand, and have true transformation. 

I now know that I don't have to separate any of my business. She taught me how to take my podcast and insert it into every part of my business. And my audience has grown tremendously. I have been able to impact over a thousand families. And just really grow my business on every single platform that I have been using."

shivonne davis

the married millennial's podcast



LaunchPOD uses a hybrid teaching model - the course material is delivered via private podcast feed, and you’ll have access to Slack support and weekly Office Hours on Zoom where you can ask questions and get live feedback.



You’ll have access to the LaunchPOD private podcast feed for 1 year. However, I recommend aiming to complete your podcast launch within 30-45 days to maximize your time in the programme and stay motivated to launch your podcast.

You’ll also have access to Slack Support and Office Hours for six (6) weeks.



Absolutely not! Most of my clients have less than 5k followers across all platforms, yet they've still managed to launch their podcasts with at least 100 listeners. I’ll also teach you other ways to maximize your reach and audience inside the program.



Well, LaunchPOD is about to change that! Podcasts are great for getting people onto your email list and nurturing your leads so that you can make more sales.



A better question is how much time have you spent dreaming about launching your podcast but not taking any action?

LaunchPOD is a largely self-paced program so you can adapt your learning to your schedule. Each lesson is less than 30 minutes long so you can listen on the go wherever you listen to podcasts. 


Erin Billings

meet your instructor

Erin Billings is the Founder of CLIQ Management, a Done-For-You content creation and media management services agency.

Erin gained her expertise working in the music industry as a professional musician, music director, and producer working with artists from American Idol, The Voice, America's Got Talent, and Grammy and Tony Award Winners.  

She also worked in corporate and non-profit spaces, working with agencies, production houses, and houses of worship producing anything from podcasts to stage productions to conventions and conferences, both live and virtual.

Erin is the host of three Top Ranked Podcasts, the Touchy Subjects Podcast, The Holiday Survival Podcast, and the Girl Boss Red Flags Podcast with co-host Tay Francis..

limited time offer

Want your podcast produced by the professionals?


Get Done-With-You Post Production Editing for one trailer and ten episodes for $1997 when you sign up for LaunchPOD.

This offer is normally valued at $2500. 

Grab it today to get professional podcast production and editing at a fraction of the cost.

Turn your podcasting dreams from “one day” to reality.

Join LaunchPOD and launch the podcast you’ve always dreamed of in the next 30 days.